
Contact information, dan grade registry, club details and website links.

The Zen Judo UK Website
© The Zen Judo Family and The British Zen Judo Family Association. All rights reserved.

Zen Judo Clubs:

Note: Please notify the admin for any changes or removal from this list. Bognor Regis Zen Judo Club (ZJF Honbu Dojo) - England Sensei John Robertson 6th Dan ZJF and BZJFA Mondays: Juniors (7+) and Seniors All Grades 7 to 9pm (No extended Session at present). (We are located behind the Bognor War Memorial Hospital) South Bersted Church Hall, Bersted Street, South Bersted, Bognor Regis, West Sussex, England. Tel:- (mobile) 07506 689314 e-mail:-< brzjc at > Website: _________________________________________________ Trowbridge Zen Judo Club - England Sensei Colin Delve 2nd Dan ZJF & 1st Dan BZJFA Fridays: 7pm West Ashton Village Hall, Bratton Road, West Ashton, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England BA14 6AZ. Tel:- (mobile) 07984 424957 e-mail:-< colin.delve at > Website: _________________________________________________ Northants (Kenshindoryu) Judo Club - England Sensei Jim Dart 6th Dan Saturdays: See website for times St Marys Church Hall, Butlins Lane, Roade, Northampton, Northants, England. Tel:- 01604 762705 Jim Dart, 1, Hedgeway, East Hunsbury, Northants. NN4 0SP. England. e-mail:-< Kenshindoryu at > Website: _________________________________________________ Radcliffe Zen Judo Club - England Hanshi Gordon Lawson 10th Dan President & Shihan BZJFA (3rd.Dan ZJF; Kyoshi7th.Dan Molum Combat Arts Association; 6th.Dan Judo Kodo Butoku Renmei). Tel:- 01159 335562 e-mail:-< gordonlawson at > Website: British Zen Judo Family Association _________________________________________________ Basford Zen Judo Club - England Sensei Mark Hore 4th Dan BZJFA Fridays: 7 to 9pm New Basford Community Centre, Zulu Road, New Basford, Nottingham, NG7 7DS, England. Tel:- e-mail:-< > Website: _________________________________________________ Shiro-no Zen Judokwai (Manchester) - England Sensei George Launders 6th Dan BZJFA e-mail:-< judokid at > Website: _________________________________________________
The Zen Judo Family
Zen Judo Dan Grade Register: Note: All registered Dan Grades have been verified with their respective Organisations and Sensei. Any Dan Grade wishing to register will need to prove that they have been awarded their grade by a club using Shihan Dominick "Mac" McCarthys Zen Judo syllabus. If any member wishes their details removed please contact the admin via email.
Link to page: Grades 3rd to 8th Dan.
Link to page: Grades 1st to 2nd Dan.

IGAS Founder Members:

Gentle Arts Society Kenshindoryu Nippon Budo Kyokai Traditional Judo UK The Zenjudo Family

Useful Websites:

British Zen Judo Family Association (BZJFA) web: BZJFA website Judo Information Site - Forms of Judo (Kata) web:

Contact information, dan grade registry,

club details and website links.

The Zen Judo UK Website
© The Zen Judo Family and The British Zen Judo Family Association. All rights reserved.

Zen Judo Clubs:

Note: Please notify the admin for any changes or removal from this list. Bognor Regis Zen Judo Club (ZJF Honbu Dojo) - England Sensei John Robertson 6th Dan ZJF and BZJFA Mondays: Juniors (7+) and Seniors All Grades 7 to 9pm (No extended Session at present). (We are located behind the Bognor War Memorial Hospital) South Bersted Church Hall, Bersted Street, South Bersted, Bognor Regis, West Sussex, England. Tel:- (mobile) 07506 689314 e-mail:-< brzjc at > Website: _________________________________________________ Trowbridge Zen Judo Club - England Sensei Colin Delve 2nd Dan ZJF & 1st Dan BZJFA Fridays: 7pm West Ashton Village Hall, Bratton Road, West Ashton, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England BA14 6AZ. Tel:- (mobile) 07984 424957 e-mail:-< colin.delve at > Website: _________________________________________________ Northants (Kenshindoryu) Judo Club - England Sensei Jim Dart 6th Dan Saturdays: See website for times St Marys Church Hall, Butlins Lane, Roade, Northampton, Northants, England. Tel:- 01604 762705 Jim Dart, 1, Hedgeway, East Hunsbury, Northants. NN4 0SP. England. e-mail:-< Kenshindoryu at > Website: _________________________________________________ Radcliffe Zen Judo Club - England Hanshi Gordon Lawson 10th Dan President & Shihan BZJFA (3rd.Dan ZJF; Kyoshi7th.Dan Molum Combat Arts Association; 6th.Dan Judo Kodo Butoku Renmei). Tel:- 01159 335562 e-mail:-< gordonlawson at > Website: British Zen Judo Family Association _________________________________________________ Basford Zen Judo Club - England Sensei Mark Hore 4th Dan BZJFA Fridays: 7 to 9pm New Basford Community Centre, Zulu Road, New Basford, Nottingham, NG7 7DS, England. Tel:- e-mail:-< > Website: _________________________________________________ Shiro-no Zen Judokwai (Manchester) - England Sensei George Launders 6th Dan BZJFA e-mail:-< judokid at > Website: _________________________________________________ The Zen Judo Family
Note: View on desktop for more information.

IGAS Founder Members:

Gentle Arts Society Kenshindoryu Nippon Budo Kyokai Traditional Judo UK The Zenjudo Family